Ways to Check for Water Damage in Your Stucco Home
1. Damp Looking Stucco Now, getting the stucco wet should not be a reason for concern. It will make sense that it is wet once it rains. However, if it is still wet a week after the rainy weather, it indicates that water has penetrated the stucco. There may also be areas of the wall […]
Why You Need to Address Water Damage Quickly
Before considering repairs, you must first determine what caused any water damage you may have discovered in your stucco. Why did the water get into your house’s siding? The typical explanation is that your home’s stucco was improperly built and placed. Water will not adhere to well constructed stucco. That will usually be sufficient to […]
Roof Maintenance Tips for Springtime
Roof care is often overlooked in favor of yard work and spring cleaning. However, when winter comes to a close, your roof should be at the top of your list of home repair needs. Winter weather may do significant damage to your roof, and if the damage is serious enough, it may jeopardize structural stability. […]
Ways to Prepare Your Home for Spring
There may still be snow in the air, and you may have just gotten through the holidays, but whether you’re ready or not, spring will be here before you know it! We can’t wait for the barbecues, spring flowers, and green lawns, but before you start thinking about patio furniture and butterflies, there are a […]
Recommendations for the Care and Maintenance of Your Stucco System
Both internal and external walls may be covered with stucco, which is popular and affordable. It may be applied on brick, block, stone, and other types of walls and comes in a range of colors. Sand and cement are combined to create stucco, which has a smooth surface. This product may be applied fast and […]